Transitional Homelessness
The common misconception is that most homeless people are addicts or alcoholics and have been street people for a long time. Yet, homelessness is often the result of a significant life change, crisis, or catastrophic event.
People are homeless because they have lost a partner, have a medical condition, lost a job, have a mental health challenge, have recently separated or divorced, have experienced domestic or sexual abuse, and many more reasons.
Housing experts regard transitional homelessness as the most common form of homelessness, and people experiencing transitional homelessness are usually considered to be young. However, older people, children, and families are also common.
People who experience transitional homelessness may enter a transitional housing program for a limited time. They may also sleep in their cars or outside. Frequently people experiencing transitional homelessness still have jobs but cannot afford housing and other expenses.
Fresh Start Housing allows individuals to prevent homelessness and get back on their feet with a solid financial foundation and new skills developed to avoid a financial crisis that often precipitates homelessness.