Why Money Management?
Often overlooked in resolving homelessness associated with recovery is the topic of money. When a person has been working towards sobriety through a rehabilitation service, they are often penniless and initially heavily supervised to ensure sobriety.
Once the person is released and attains employment, the true test of sobriety occurs as they now have the necessary funds to purchase whatever an addiction craves.
The issue of money as a means of relapse becomes more prevalent without the guidance of outpatient care providers, long-term transitional housing programs, and money management skills.
The Money Management course teaches the difference between wants versus needs, when, where, and how to spend money. It also teaches how to avoid impulse buying while setting short and long-term goals. As the resident learns how to manage their money while continuing support services, growth in self-regulation and self-awareness, is attainable.
Tracking spending also allows the service provider a measurable method of progress and goal attainment, including changes in spending habits or missing funds that could highlight a possible relapse.