Our focus is dedicated to assisting individuals seeking an opportunity to get back on their feet. If you are working towards re-entering society from a rehabilitation facility, incarceration, or even a divorce, our expertise is getting you back on your feet. We serve aged-out foster youths, the working homeless, and the disenfranchised.
- Who Can Apply
- Ages: 20-40 (Age Waiver Available)
- Work With DOC Before Discharge.
- Referral Through Probation/Parole.
- Recovery Discharge With 90 Days Sobriety.
- Medicated-Assisted Treatment With Enrollment In A Titration Program.
- Enrollment Requirement Criteria
- Employment Minimum 40-Hour Work Week.
- Student Employment Minimum 30-Hour Work Week.
- Full Participation In The 15-Month Program.
- Attend Weekly Financial Literacy Class.
- 10% of all earnings are placed into a personal savings account.
- Sobriety!
- Additional Requirements
- Drugs, Alcohol, and Smoke-Free Living Environment Agreement.
- Continued attendance of rehabilitation support systems as needed.
- Enrollment Process
- Introduction/Interview Appointment
- Visit Residential House.
- Maximum Length of stay